National Cannabis Markets
ICS Cannabis Market Overview
Across the United States there are now 38 Medical and 24 Adult-Use Cannabis programs. Each one of these programs has a regulatory body making rules combined with local municipal regulations creating a unique compliance landscape in every case. ICS Consulting Service has systematically acquired a deep understanding of what it takes for operators in multiple markets to stay in compliance by developing systems of Audit, Training, Contract Compliance and Technical Writing that will meet and exceed your program's rules. Below are some of the more active markets for ICS with a description of services that describe the core offerings by state.
Cannabis Business Consulting across the United States
Markets We Currently Operate In
ICS Consulting is always interested in expanding into new emerging Cannabis markets and existing regulated markets. With 30 years of combined experience working in regulated cannabis operations on our team, entering into a new or existing market is an easy transition for us. Reach out to meet with our team, and we'll discuss the possibilities of working with your company in the State it's operating in.
Create a Culture of Compliance
Reach out today.
For more information on how ICS Consulting Service can help your Cannabis Business, book a free 30-minute consult and we'll help you map out your next steps to be successful in the Regulated Cannabis Industry.